July 27, 2024

U.S Presidential Election- Khaosan Road Interview

ThaiLawForum  interviews westerners on Khaosan Road in Bangkok on the U.S Presidential election 

ThaiLawForum recently interviewed westerners at Khaosan Road to talk about who they think will win the ongoing U.S presidential election.

Hillary Clinton is a name synonymous with politics and Donald Trump, one associated with business. They’re campaigns have grabbed the attention of people from all round the world.

Chaninat & Leeds is a Thai based law firm that specializes in Divorce Litigation in Thailand  and internationally

Watch the video below to see who people from countries other than America think will win the election.


Thailand to Ease Drug Laws

The Thai government is looking to reduce penalties on meth and marijuana by the end of this year

The penalties on drugs such as meth and marijuana in Thailand will be reduced by the end of this year, reports Khaosodenglish. This will be accomplished by reclassifying the drugs to a category that allows for them to be licensed for medical purposes.

Drugs that are on the list to be reclassified are meth, marijuana, kratom and hemp. The Director of Narcotics Control Board, Sirinya Sitdichai said that marijuana, kratom and hemp will be reclassified within the next several months and meth will be reclassified in December.

Chaninat & Leeds Attorneys specialize in Family Law in Thailand

Meth or Ya ba as the locals call it is currently under Category 1 while hemp, kratom and marijuana are under Category 5. Reclassifying the drugs would involve moving the drugs to Category 2 so they will be available for medical use.

Click here for the full article

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Man Commits “Fraud” at Sperm Bank

A Georgia Man who helped to father 36 children admits to committing fraud at a sperm bank

According to a police report obtained by Lawnewz.com a Georgia man James Aggeles, turned himself in and admitted to committing fraud at a sperm bank stating that he had not been “truthful about his mental health and his college degree”. This comes after complaints were filed against Xytex, an Atlanta, Georgia clinic by parents claiming that they were fooled by Aggeles’ lies.


In countries like Thailand, surrogacy and sperm donation are very popular with websites such as http://www.thaisuperiorart.com/  and https://www.findsurrogatemother.com/ especially among foreign nationals who come to the country looking for surrogates and sperm donors. However, surrogacy for foreign nationals has been banned due to the Baby Gammy controversy and now only opposite-sex married Thai residents are allowed to undergo commercial surrogacy.


Read more on the story here

Other related articles:

New Draft Law to Regulate Surrogacy in Thailand


Do Thai People Love Their Dogs?

Photo Courtesy: Angela Sevin http://flic.kr/p/4XvtG7

Thai people love their pets. Many Thais even dress and pamper their dogs as if they are children.

Most developing and developed countries will have dog catchers to go around collecting street dogs and putting them in cages and even euthanize them putting them to sleep. In Thailand, dogs without homes live mostly peacefully on the streets and are usually fed by the non-owners in the areas and they are also attended to in Thai temples by monks but they are not normally put to sleep. The general view of Thai people is that putting stray dogs to sleep is far crueler than letting them live on the streets or in a Thai Buddhist temple as strays.

Dog accessory shops that sell dog clothes are all over Bangkok and there are even dog hotels just like one in Chongnonsee called Doggiedoo that caters recreational activities such as swimming pool, dog grooming, and dog training.

The affection of Thais for dogs extends to even providing handicapped dogs with wheelchairs for mobility. The disabled dog on wheels in a You Tube video looks in many ways just the same as dogs that are fully capable.

Owning a Dog in Thailand

Thailand is generally a pet-friendly place but for expat families renting condos or apartments in Bangkok, having a dog is something that must be clear with landlords. As a general rule, condos and apartments will not take dogs of any kind. Practically, expat dog owners are likely to rent detached houses with big back yards in the outskirts of the city, conducive to dogs especially large breed dogs.

Thai-western families relocating back to Thailand with their dogs will need to acquire Identity and Health Certificate which state the dog’s age, breed, sex, distinct markings, name and address of owner or kennel, should be filled out and signed by a registered Vet from the originating country before arriving to Bangkok as per instruction by the Agricultural Regulatory Division and the Department of Livestock Development.

Apart from the documents, the dogs will need to be vaccinated with rabies vaccines – 15 days before departure, Leptospirosis, Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvovirus – 21 days before departure and vaccine for Kennel cough if the dog has been living in a kennel prior to the relocation. The Vaccination Certificates must be presented upon arrival and Thai regulations also direct dogs brought to Bangkok should be quarantined for at least 30 days for further testing and observation for possible diseases.

Taking Showers in Thai Culture

How many showers do you need to take in Thailand? With Thailand’s hot weather, you will be sweating to death in the tropical heat! Taking Showers in Thailand more than twice a day is good for health, comfort and image.

If you have ever seen an Asian squat toilet or Thai toilet, you know that Thai culture in regard to bathroom activities is different than in Western countries.

Smelling fresh and looking good is important to Thai people. Making a polite appearance in Thailand consists of being neatly dressed and smelling fresh. If you do smell bad, although Thai people are normally very polite and reserved, there is a chance of having it pointed out to you by people holding their news or whispering that you stink!

If you happen to show up at a friend’s house smelling bad or not feeling fresh, it is not rude at all to ask to use the shower. There is also a good chance that they will offer their bathroom to you. Thailand is filled with a profusion of truly terrible smells. One smell that is noticeably missing is that of body odor.

During the hottest months of the year three showers a day is sometimes a necessity. In the cooler months, so much showering is not needed but for most it is a habit that is hard to break.

Losing Your Temper in Thailand Will Make You a Loser


What happens when a Westerner loses his or her temper in Thailand?
While Westerners might view people who cry, shout, yell, or argue aggressively in public as being merely “hot-headed” and “frustrated”, Thais are likely to view such displays as being indicators of mental health issues and poor breeding. Losing your temper and shouting in Thailand is a faux pas of the highest degree. Such behavior violates not only traditional Thai values that emphasize social harmony and saving face, it also violates cherished Buddhist beliefs dictating moderate behavior and a calm demeanor.

Occasionally, misinformed Westerner may tout the benefits of being forceful and aggressive in Thailand, insisting that arguing with bank employees, store clerks, taxi drivers and metro attendants is the best way to accomplish a task in a country known for its relaxed attitude.

Maintaining your cool under tough circumstances is called “Jai yen” or “Cool heart”. Thais place a high value on individuals who are able to respond to upsetting and frustrating events with moderate and reserved behavior, and those that are unable to control their emotions are conversely regarded as being childish, ill-mannered, or possibly mentally unhinged.

Sometimes, westerners losing their tempers in Thailand result in assault cases, and you may need a Thai lawyer to solve a big problem when a little “Jai yen” would have save you from trouble.

Demystifying Kreng Jai


Kreng Jai, which literally means “awe of heart” but can best be translated into “consideration”, is a cause of much frustration for foreigners who live in Thailand or foreigners with Thai partners. The concept of Kreng Jai is an important on in Thai culture and has been characterized as “the essence of Thai-ness”, but what specifically this nature entails can be hard to describe.

Kreng Jai manifests itself as a general desire not to disrupt the happiness of others, even at the expense of efficiency, honesty, or one’s own interests. When guidebooks describe Thai people as being “accommodating”, they are (perhaps unconsciously) describing the effects of Kreng Jai.

Kreng Jai is usually a function of feeling uncertain or distanced from from people and desiring to avoid offending them; as such Kreng Jai is usually not a factor among nuclear families, or between couples, who are close enough to show their true feelings and avoid formality; Kreng Jai is a greater concern for foreigners who are establishing relationships with new in-laws and new Thai acquaintances.

Kreng Jai might affect the lives of guileless foreigners living in Thailand in a number of ways. When a coworker fails to correct an error you’ve made in a meeting because he doesn’t want to embarrass you, he’s feeling Kreng Jai. When your spouse refuses to send back a meal at a nice restaurant even though the dish is substandard, she’s feeling Kreng Jai. When a salesperson assures you that a delivery can absolutely, certainly, definitely be made within a required time frame but even if said time frame turns out to be impossible….that salesperson is certainly feeling Kreng Jai.

There’s also flip side to Kreng Jai – when foreigners cause offense by misinterpreting or abusing Thai feelings of consideration or concern. A young Thai woman who feels offended by the behavior of an older foreign man may feel unable to correct him due to the constraints of Kreng Jai, which then allows the offending individual in question to continue his bad behavior.  A Thai coworker may be grossly offended if you critique his work in blunt, critical terms. In return for their consideration of others , Thais expect to have their own feelings considered as well. Too often, foreigners grossly insult Thais by thoughtlessly accepting their consideration and generosity without offering any in return – or worse, by interpreting Kreng Jai as a sign of weakness that can be exploited.

Sadly, there’s no real manual on Kreng Jai, and its a skill that can only be learned through repeated exposure to Thai culture. Our main advice to foreigners is to twofold:

1) When dealing with the frustrations and inefficiencies that occur when and individual feels (and acts on) Kreng Jai towards you, take a deep breath and tell yourself “Mai Ben Rai“.  The concepts of Kreng Jai is as old as Thai culture and definitely isn’t going anywhere. If you wish to live in Thailand, marry a Thai spouse, or interact with Thais at all, you’ll just have to accept the little delays that at side effects of receiving such consideration.

2) Avoid abusing Thai feelings of Kreng Jai by practicing treating those you interact with deference and respect. Notice how your Thai coworkers and acquaintances interact with you, and mimic these behaviors, as they’re probably a good example of how these individuals expect to be treated. If your coworkers never interrupt you, never interrupt them. If your new friend continually offers you rides, try politely refusing and offering to transport him somewhere instead.

Kreng Jai is essentially a dance – a figurative give-and-take of consideration and good manners. To give Kreng Jai is to receive it… so go forth, readers, and be considerate.