May 17, 2024

Khaosan Road Interview: Is Tourist Pricing Fair?

Backpackers in Thailand’s notorious Khaosan Road speak about whether it’s fair for foreign tourists to pay a lot more than local ones

The recent headline involving the Krabi national park’s refusal to reduce the entrance fees for foreign tourists which is 400 baht compared to locals who only have to pay 40 Baht, despite pressure from boat operators has resulted in the latter staging a blockade.

Tourist pricing is a very real phenomenon in many tourist destinations, not only in Thailand but all over the world.

Thailawforum took this opportunity to walk the streets of Khaosan Road to ask tourists their opinion on tourist pricing.

Watch the video below

This video was sponsored by Thailand law firm Chaninat & Leeds with a team of Western and Thai lawyers that specialize in international and Thai divorce law

U.S Presidential Election- Khaosan Road Interview

ThaiLawForum  interviews westerners on Khaosan Road in Bangkok on the U.S Presidential election 

ThaiLawForum recently interviewed westerners at Khaosan Road to talk about who they think will win the ongoing U.S presidential election.

Hillary Clinton is a name synonymous with politics and Donald Trump, one associated with business. They’re campaigns have grabbed the attention of people from all round the world.

Chaninat & Leeds is a Thai based law firm that specializes in Divorce Litigation in Thailand  and internationally

Watch the video below to see who people from countries other than America think will win the election.